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Medical Chatbot for Disease Prediction using ...

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Medical Chatbot for Disease Prediction using ...

Medical Chatbot for Disease Prediction using Machine Learning

Author Name : Mrs. Asha Rani K P, Mrs. Asha K N, Ranjith Kumar D R, Rohan, Ranjan Raj, Rohini


 The main purpose of developing the medical chatbot is to save time and money in almost possible situations. Now a day’s people are using the internet continuously and their busy schedule leads them to avoid visiting the hospital so they can use a chatbot to get their medical queries. I have developed a web app to resolve the problem. many of other applications which are totally automated chatbots which don’t update their dataset for  training module regularly. And many of the applications have only live chat application option whereas the availability of a doctor for live chat is less possible. these all drawbacks are recovered in the proposed system By combining both live chat and automated chatbot in a single web application which we need not install separately. The medical chatbot will allow the communication between computer and human using an algorithm called Natural Language Processing i.e. NLP. A complex disease may start from mild symptoms like headache which feels pretty much normal but it might turn into a major disease called Brain Tumor. Almost all of the diseases are identified by the mild symptoms so that the disease can be diagnosed  if the patient is kept under observation or analyzed regularly. The system gives response by the use of   GUI such that the patient feels as if he is chatting with the doctor. Chatbot  nowadays are used in many fields such as education , medical field etc.

Keywords: Chatbot, Machine Leaning,NLP, Chatterbot.