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Quantitative Estimation of Municipal Solid Wa...

Quantitative Estimation of Municipal Solid Waste Management in Rayachoty town, YSR District, A. P.

Author Name : K. Yavan Kumar, S. Sumithra


Municipal solid waste generation, storage and disposal degrade the urban environment and causes health hazards. The present paper aims at giving an overview of the existing solid waste management in Rayachoty town. An average of 40 metric tons/day of solid waste is generated and increase to 61.3 tons per day from 2015 to 2042. The total population of the town as per 2011 census is 90814 and there is increase in population for the future which has been studied by using the population projection. Secondary data were collected through discussion with the municipality in Rayachoty.

Key words: Solid waste, Population, Environment, Rayachoty, Health hazard.