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A Comprehensive Review on Joint Optimal Data ...

A Comprehensive Review on Joint Optimal Data Rate in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks with Delay-Constrained Traffics

Author Name : Charu Bhutani, Alok Gupta

ABSTRACT One of the main challenges in lossy mobile ad hoc networks is how to achieve the conflicting goal of increased network utility and reduced power consumption, while without following the instantaneous state of a fading channel. To address this problem, we propose a cross-layer rate-effective network utility maximization (RENUM) framework by taking into account the lossy nature of wireless links and the constraints of rate outage probability and average delay. In the proposed framework, the utility is associated with the effective rate received at the destination node of each flow instead of the injection rate at the source of the flow. In this paper, we consider lossy mobile ad hoc networks where the data rate of a given flow becomes lower and lower along its routing path. Furthermore, we conduct extensive network-wide simulations in NS-2 simulator to evaluate the performance of the algorithm in terms of throughput, delay, packet delivery ratio and fairness.