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A Laboratory Study on Use of Bitumen Emulsion...

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A Laboratory Study on Use of Bitumen Emulsion...

A Laboratory Study on Use of Bitumen Emulsion in Gravel Road

Author Name : Amit

ABSTRACT:  Starting from the base, soil is one of nature’s most abundant construction materials. Almost all type of construction is built with or upon the soil. The most important part of a road pavement is sub grade soil and its strength. If strength of soil is poor, then stabilization is normally needed. Sub grade is sometimes stabilized or replaced with stronger soil material so as to improve the strength. Such stabilization is also suitable when the available sub grade is made up of weak soil. Increase in sub grade strength may lead to economy in the structural thicknesses of a pavement. Cement, fly ash, lime, fibers etc. are very commonly used for soil stabilization. It is observed that excellent soil strength results by using cationic bitumen emulsion (CMS) with little quantity of cement used as filler. The appropriate mixing conditions for gravelly soil with CMS Bitumen emulsion have been first attempted. This is followed by deciding four particular material conditions to show the variation in dry density and CBR value to achieve the best possible strength properties of gravel soil.