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A New Record and Two New Species of Genus Acr...

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A New Record and Two New Species of Genus Acr...

A New Record and Two New Species of Genus Acrida (Linnaeus, 1758) of Subfamily Acridinae (Orthoptera: Acrididae) in Delhi NCR Region, India

Author Name : Preeti, Mohd Kamil Usmani

ABSTRACT Lots of work on Genus Acrida has been done by many researchers in different states of India. The present study aim to provide taxonomic details and key for identification, based primarily on morphological, genitalic and literature data of Acrida species. Collection of the specimens was done in Delhi NCR region of India. The National Capital Region (NCR) is region of India, that includes the Delhi region and the surrounding areas of the neighbouring states of Haryana, Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan. One new record Acrida turrita (Linnaeus, 1758) from Delhi NCR and two new species i.e Acrida semicirca sp. nov. and Acrida squarus sp. nov. from India are discussed in this study. Main characters of each species are illustrated and compared with the existing species from India. The new species Acrida semicirca sp. nov. has different shape of Supra-anal plate i.e short and rounded shape despite of triangular and broad Supra-anal plate is found in most species of Genus Acrida and combination of many other characters such as elongated fastigium without carina and with angulated apex, lateral carina incurved above centre of pronotum and anterior projection with rounded apex in epiphallus etc. The different characters like broad and square shape fastigium, straight and divergent lateral carina in pronotum and apical diverticulum of spermatheca with sharp straight outline etc in Acrida squarus sp. nov. is considered to be a new species.