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ISSN: 2455-6211

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A Novel Approach to Optimal Sizing, Stability...

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A Novel Approach to Optimal Sizing, Stability...

A Novel Approach to Optimal Sizing, Stability Control and Energy Management: Brief Review on Micro grid

Author Name : L. Senthil, Sonali Chadha


Electricity is the best endowment of science to mankind went after human progress where power is utilized for all reasons. In any case, as of late a change in outlook is advancing in the age of electrical energy from the idea of utilizing major producing plants to minor creating units associated to the dispersion frameworks as miniature lattices with elective fuel sources called renewable. Around the globe environmentally friendly power use is on the ascent and these other fuel sources can create contamination free electrical energy to the general public. Albeit these are new focuses and units with reducing cost, there are as yet numerous difficulties in activity and control of islanded and lattice associated miniature matrices arranged in both AC and DC. Joining the advantages of miniature matrices of AC and DC, Hybrid AC-DC Micro networks (HACDC) were created. In this way, it is moderately basic to examine the ideal size, security control, and techniques of financial proficiency activity of HACDC miniature framework. Subsequently an incredible audit on ideal measuring strategies, dependability control, and energy the board methodologies utilizing different iterative and insight procedures distributed in various articles proposed by numerous writers were introduced in this paper.

Keywords: Renewable Energy Sources, Hybrid AC/DC Micro grid, Inter-Linked Converter, Energy Management System.