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ISSN: 2455-6211

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A Report on Plastic Waste Problem & Managemen...

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A Report on Plastic Waste Problem & Managemen...

A Report on Plastic Waste Problem & Management

Author Name : Er. Ashutosh Mishra


This paper discusses the problems related to waste and the many ways in which a solution can be found for the same. Managing plastics remains a problem to be solved and though many measures have been taken, a final outcome has not yet reached. The paper clearly mentions the problems plastics can cause to the environment, wildlife, water life, and human beings in general. A detailed study has been made describing the many plastic management methods and techniques that can be used. The paper clearly states the ultimate action to be taken by each individual to eliminate plastics. Many nations have adopted different strategies to find a solution. Although these are good and effective a final answer depends on the public. The financial and statistical information are described for the readers to easily understand the hazardous effect of using plastics. Proper awareness and education are ways to make the public react and avoid the use of plastics. Education has to be implemented in schools. The awareness has to begin from the basic level and should be continuous. The paper is an eye-opener as well as an invitation to start fighting against plastics and thus make the world a better place to live.

Keywords: Conquer Plastic, Environmental, Management, Plastic Problem, Recycled.