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A Research on Formulation and Evaluation of H...

A Research on Formulation and Evaluation of Herbal Foot Cream

Author Name : Mohd Shoeb, Vaishnavi Daldale, Numan Salimkhan Pathan, Vaishnavi Hingane


Feet are also important organ of our body used to perform activities like walking, running and jumping but are often neglected. They need to be taken care. The main motive of our formulation was to formulate and to develop the anti-crack herbal gel containing aloe vera gel and hibiscus extract having healing and antimicrobial activities. Various ingredients having anti-inflammatory property were incorporated and microbial studies were carried out for the effectiveness of the gel. It was found that developed product is safe and effective against cracked heels without any side effect. The effectiveness of the gel was seen on volunteers cracked heel by applying for 15 day. Feet need to be taken care of comfort, beautification, and protection from various microorganisms. The object of the present work is to formulate and develop foot care cream with herbal ingredients having various activities like healing and antimicrobial. The various herbs have been reported to having antimicrobial activities. It has been concluded that the product has been good foot care proper.

Keywords: Aloe vera gel, Hibiscus extract, Turmeric powder, Honey.