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A Review of friction stir processing and beha...

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A Review of friction stir processing and beha...

A Review of friction stir processing and behavioral study of surface modified Al-Si-Mg alloy done by this technique

Author Name : Amit Kumar, Satyawan

Silicon is a good metallic alloy for Aluminum alloys as it increases the fluidity, reduces the melting temperature, decreases the shrinkage during solidification, and is very inexpensive as a raw material. Recently use of cast Al–Si alloys has been expanding widely in military, automobile and general engineering industry. The wear behavior of these alloys depends on material related parameters and service conditions. Surface treatments are generally carried out to improve their service life. Out of various means available for surface modification, friction stir processing (FSP) is being widely used these days. This paper comprises of an elaborative study of friction stir processing for surface modification of Al-Si-Mg alloy system.