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A Review on 3D Object Detection Neural Networ...

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A Review on 3D Object Detection Neural Networ...

A Review on 3D Object Detection Neural Networks for Autonomous Vehicles

Author Name : Shivam Shete, Aniket More, Pratik Patkar, Saurav Parmar

ABSTRACT Autonomous vehicles are speculated to be the next big thing in Computer Vision and Global perspective. Researchers have been working on this technology over half a decade now. This new technology has attained and gathered diverse attention, over a wide range of sectors i.e. academic, public and private sectors. The likelihood of incurring information overload is particularly notable for researchers, who have tried to bridge the processing requirements and its capacity. In this paper we observe Computer Vision and Deep Neural networking techniques that are proposed which will hopefully surpass the standards of 3-d Object Detection algorithm. This proposed module comprises of Sparse Voxel-Graph Attention network (SVGA net), Region Based Convoluted Network (PV-RCNN), You Only Look Once (YOLO) and Bird NET.