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A Review on Biosensing Methods for Detection ...

A Review on Biosensing Methods for Detection of Urea in Beverages

Author Name : C.S. Pundir, Meenakshi, Jakhar S.


Urea is one of the major end product of nitrogen metabolism in human beings which is produced in the liver through urea cycle during breakdown of amino-acids. Urea being toxic in nature needs to be eliminated from the body by kidneys through urination. Apart from urine, urea is also excreted with certain body fluids such as saliva and blood. The normal range of urea in urine is7-20 mg/dL, in case of blood the normal range is 3.3-6.7 mM whereas it ranges between 25-35 mg/100msl in milk. urea was first determined in wine which was found to be  3mg/L i.e., 0.11mM/L. Comsumption of food stuffs i.e., beverages such as alcohols, milk contaminated with urea may lead to an increase in blood surea, which may cause severe health issues such as azotemia or uremia, dementia, heart faliure etc. Such contaminated drinks are like poisons for people suffering from renal and liver disfunctions. So the present review on biosensing methods for detection of urea in beverages aims at the study of various such methods so that some cheap, easy-handy and reliable tools could be constructed in order to estimate the urea amount as well as regulating and limiting the consumption of such material at home.

Keywords: Urea, Biosensing methods of urea, Azotemia/ Uremia, food stuff, beverages