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A Review on Current Molecules for Treatment o...

A Review on Current Molecules for Treatment of COVID-19

Author Name : Pokale Payal R., Gharmalkar Samruddhi K., Ware A. L.

ABSTRACT The World Health Organization (WHO) used the term 2019 novel coronavirus to refered to COVID-19 that was diagnosed from the lower Respiratory tract of patient with pnenumonia infection in wuhan, China on 29 December 2019. This is Virus that cause viral pneumonia including fever, breathing difficulty, and lung infection. The novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) infection, more commonly referred to as COVID-19, has rapidly developed into a worldwide pandemic with a significant health burden. globally, hundreds of clinical studies that aim to discover effective COVID-19 treatments are ongoing. This article summarises the rationale behind several of these interventional trials, including evidence from in vitro studies, and early results to provide an insight into the global response. As patients are being enrolled in clinical trials across the UK, some of the safety and practical considerations for the investigational medicines that pharmacists are most likely to encounter in practice are discussed as part of this review. In this Review, we will update and summarize the most common drugs for the treatment of COVID-19 patient.