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A Review on Plant-based milk substitutes as a...

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A Review on Plant-based milk substitutes as a...

A Review on Plant-based milk substitutes as a major functional food products

Author Name : Thummalacharla Chaitanya Krishna


The consumption of probiotic enriched plant-based milk substitutes is rapidly increased and also having more demand all around the world due to its numerous health effects on the human body. Many varieties of plant-based milk exist, and ricemilk, soymilk, and coconut milk are the major products that carry the probiotics into the matrices, and these plant-based milks are used in probiotic food development.  The problems with cow’s milk such as milk protein allergy, lactose intolerance due to these adverse effects the consumers prefer plant-based milk. In general, these plant-based milk products are highly safe for consumption and also considered an appropriate vehicle for delivering probiotics due to their ability in maintaining sufficient probiotic levels during product shelf life. Despite the added sugar and lack of total protein content, phenolic compounds, unsaturated fatty acids, antioxidant activity, and bioactive compounds such as phytosterols and isoflavones make plant-based milk substitutes an excellent choice.The unique element of this review is different plant-based milk substitutes, types of plant-based milk, functional properties, and also its health effects.

Keywords: Plant-based milk; plant-based milk substitutes; probiotics; human health