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A review on Spectrum Sensing Techniques & Cha...

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A review on Spectrum Sensing Techniques & Cha...

A review on Spectrum Sensing Techniques & Challenges

Author Name : Pushpender Kumar Raj, Hemant Narayan

ABSTRACT:  In any detection technique, while detecting the presence of PU there are two possibilities of errors that can take place in fixing the threshold value. In the first case, if the threshold value is too high the detection device fails to recognize the presence of PU signal even though the PU signal is present. This type of error in decision making is known as Probability of Misdetection (Pmd) [1]. Because of this error the SU tries to use that frequency channel which leads to interference and it is not desirable. In the second case, if the threshold value is too low the detection device detects the presence of PU signal even though the PU signal is not present. This type of error in technical terms is known as Probability of false alarm (Pf ). Because of this error the SU not able to use that frequency channel which leads to the underutilization of spectrum.