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A Review on Virtual and Augmented Reality in ...

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A Review on Virtual and Augmented Reality in ...

A Review on Virtual and Augmented Reality in Healthcare

Author Name : Sagar Shetty, Dr. Shivkumar Goel


To give a figure of the original uses of Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) advancements in the field of Surgery. The continuous augmentation in the field of surgery has opened up to some advancements as technologies that disrupt the possibilities in the field of surgery.  Augmented reality and Virtual reality are constantly getting more and more available and cost-effective. This paper will explain the ideas related to Augmented and Virtual reality with respect to the domain of health care, and address prosecution approaches of AR and VR in careful pre-usable medical arrangement and careful preparation.

Keywords: Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, Surgery, Healthcare.