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A Study of Effect of Co-Curricular Activities...

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A Study of Effect of Co-Curricular Activities...

A Study of Effect of Co-Curricular Activities in Developing Values in Adolescence

Author Name : Dr. Debasis Mahapatra, Dr. Kamal Narayan Gajpal

ABSTRACT:  Findings emerged out of the previous research studies with regards to effect of co- curricular activities in developing values among students belonging to the adolescence age group, the status of co- curricular activities in schools in terms of availability of co- curricular activities resources, uses, and maintenance as well as better implementation of co- curricular activities in school needs to be resolved by empirical investigation. The present study is delimited to 3 Government and 3 Private schools of Raipur City of Chhattisgarh. 120 students belonging to adolescence age group and 60 teachers from 3 Government and 3 Private schools of Raipur city are taken as sample for the present study through random sampling. Therefore, the present study has been undertaken. Research Findings shows that resources are available in schools and schools are organizing various co-curricular activities like cultural activities, sports, morning assembly, scout/guide, debates/speech for developing values among students. Teachers took active participation in organizing various co-curricular activities and motivated them or participating in various co-curricular activities.