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“A Study of Signalised Intersection for Its...

“A Study of Signalised Intersection for Its Adequacy and Efficiency in Traffic Management”: A Review

Author Name : Prafull P. Pawar, Dr. Bharti S. Shete, A. R. Bijwe


A signalised intersections are widely used in metropolitan cities where the heavy traffic flow of vehicles. At signalised intersection the efficiency of traffic operations is expected to improve during inter green intervals. The standard time intervals defined for traffic signal operation helps to reduced major traffic conflicts, traffic stuck and delay and also improve drivers mind decision. The signalised intersection are important in urban traffic, due to high rush of vehicles and other transport vehicles. To improve the efficiency and adequacy, proper planning, management and design of various facility has to be implement. Methodbeingadoptedoroperationoftrafficsignallikefixedtime base or real timebase.The main purpose of this review paper is to analyse the signalised intersection of its adequacy and efficiency in traffic management. By the use of Webster’s method, using present survey data signal timing is designed to evaluate the efficiency of signals.

Keywords: Signalised Intersection, Traffic, Efficiency, Adequacy.