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A Study of Talent Management and Its Impact o...

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A Study of Talent Management and Its Impact o...

A Study of Talent Management and Its Impact on Performance of Organizations

Author Name : Vadla Malathi, Aruna Gandla


Talent management is a business strategy that companies believe will enable them to retain their top talented employees and improve company performance. It is the process of effectively recruiting the right talent, preparing them to take on top positions in the future, evaluating and maintaining their performance and preventing them from leaving the company. The performance of each organization depends on the performance of their employees. If employees have unique abilities that do not reflect competitors, the company will automatically gain competitiveness over its competitors. Therefore, in order to manage this unique human capital, companies are focusing on developing effective systems and processes for talent management. Companies are also desperately trying to retain their top / core talent because if they go, the entire repository of knowledge will also be out of the company’s hands. The purpose of this study was to determine the impact of talent management on organizational performance for Karvy Stock Broking Limited, Hyderabad Region. Research shows that talent management has a partial effect on performance. If this talent is properly managed and implemented in the right place, companies can use their hostages to increase their growth and profitability.

Keywords: Talent management, Competencies, Organizational performance