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A Study on Advertising and Marketing Communic...

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A Study on Advertising and Marketing Communic...

A Study on Advertising and Marketing Communication

Author Name : P. Ramu, S. Deekshitha, K. Shiva Sai

ABSTRACT Advertising and Marketing communication refers to the companies to convey messages about their products and the brands directly or indirectly to the customers with the intention to persuade them to purchase and it consists main objectives like 4 Ps (product, price, place, and promotion). Marketing communication process can be viewed from two perspectives – internal and external marketing, it also includes different marketing activities performed in order to fulfil the purpose. When launching the advertising campaign, it is important for the company to clearly state the objectives the company is eager to achieve and then develop strategies to achieve them. A useful way of summarizing some of the main considerations in setting advertising objectives is under the system: What? Why? Who? How? When?