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A Study on Black Hole Growth and its Relation...

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A Study on Black Hole Growth and its Relation...

A Study on Black Hole Growth and its Relation to Galaxy Evolution

Author Name : Ajay Kumar

ABSTRACT: Significant progress has been made in the last few years on understanding how supermassive black holes form and grow. In this paper, the author begin with reviewing the spectral signatures of active galactic nuclei (AGN) ranging from radio to hard X-ray wavelengths. After that the most commonly used methods to find these sources, including optical/UV, radio, infrared, and X-ray emission, and optical emission lines have been studied. We then describe the main observational properties of the obscured and unobscured AGN population. Finally, the author summarized the cosmic history of black hole accretion, that is, when in the history of the universe supermassive black holes were getting most of their mass.