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A Study on Digital Payment and Social Welfare...

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A Study on Digital Payment and Social Welfare...

A Study on Digital Payment and Social Welfare Schemes in Karnataka

Author Name : Lokesha K, Dr. G. Parameshwari

ABSTRACT In recent years, the rise of digital payment systems has revolutionised financial transactions across various sectors, including social welfare programs. The integration of technology into financial systems has enhanced transparency, efficiency, and accessibility, potentially transforming how government assistance is delivered and monitored. Further the government has increasingly turned to implementation of digital payment systems in social welfare schemes is intended to streamline the disbursement process, reduce fraud and ensure that benefits reach the intended beneficiaries in a timely manner. With the advent of technologies like Aadhaar-linked payments, mobile banking, and digital wallets, there is growing emphasis on leveraging these tools to enhance the effectiveness of social welfare programs. Against this backdrop, the present paper analysis the social welfare schemes implemented through digital payment system