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A Study on Teenagers with Aggression to Under...

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A Study on Teenagers with Aggression to Under...

A Study on Teenagers with Aggression to Understand The Impact of Social Media Addiction

Author Name : Deepti Sharma, Ramneet Kaur Narula


Nowadays Social Media has become amost important part of our existence, mostly among teenagers. Throughout the days of pandemic there has been immense growth in usage of Social media due to leisure time, boredom and also thanks to the online medium of classes. During these days Social Media is becoming the most essential source of gaining knowledge or information and also the rising magnitudes of the utilization of social media by youth can’t be underestimated. Due to the excessive usage of social media platforms teenagers have become more aggressive and destructive in nature which is in additionally affecting their psychological state. Individuals engages in aggression when they seek to cause damage or agony to another person. It is an intended harm, which is not similar from everyone’s perspective. Aggression is not a belief; it is a behavior which can be seen. Aggressive behavior can also disrupt social restrictions which leads to failures in relationships. The aim of our study was to understand the connection between Aggression and Social Media Addiction Among Teenagers. This study was conducted among theage group of people 12-22 years of Indian population to understand the social media addiction and aggression level using Social Media Addiction Scale and Aggression Scale respectively. The selected sample was analyzed by using Pearson’s coefficient correlation, Spearmen’s Rank Correlation and Linear Regression using IBM SPSS Statistic Software. The result justified that there is a significant correlation existing between independent variables i.e., Social Media Addiction and dependent variable i.e., Aggression.

Keywords: Social Media, Aggression, Social Media Addiction, Teenagers, Youth.