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ISSN: 2455-6211

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A Study on the Impact of Knowledge Management...

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A Study on the Impact of Knowledge Management...

A Study on the Impact of Knowledge Management on the Organizational Competencies of Employees in the It Sector

Author Name : Ms. Sunitha Sahadevan, Dr V. Sheela Mary



ABSTRACT Two themes became epiccentres of new management thinking in the late 1990s: knowledge management and competence-based approaches to strategic management. These two themes share a common interest in identifying important forms of organisational knowledge and in understanding processes through which knowledge can be transformed into organisational capabilities and competencies. Drawing on the latest research by several noted management scholars, this book presents new insights into various kinds of knowledge that are of value to organizations, organizational interactions that can create strategically useful knowledge, alternative processes for managing knowledge, and approaches to integrating key forms of knowledge into organizational processes of competence building and leveraging. This study examines the impact of organizational competencies in the IT sector. Knowledge management and its central role in building and leveraging organizational competence.