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A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Struct...

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A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Struct...

A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme on Knowledge Regarding Six Killer Diseases among Mothers of Under Five Children in Selected Rural Area in Bangalore with a View to Develop an Information Booklet.

Author Name : Ms. Gurumayum Linda Devi, Ms. Rajkumari Haripriya Devi



ABSTRACT One group pre-test post-test quasi experimental design was best suited to find the knowledge of mother’s regarding six killer diseases among their underfive children at bengalore. The total of sixty mothers of underfive children are taken for study. Socio-demographic data of the participant. and Structured questionnaire to assess the level of knowledge about six killer disease were used for the data collection. A study result was shown that The results of the study shown that pre-test overall knowledge score of mothers of under five children regarding six killer disease was 39.3%, mean and the standard deviation was 11.8 and 3.2. During post-test overall knowledge score of mothers of under five children was 76.7% mean and standard deviation was 23 and 3.2. Hence the difference between pretest and post-test overall knowledge score was 37.4%. So the results of the study shown the difference between the pre-test and post- test knowledge score of the mothers of under five children regarding six killer disease was statistically significant and the difference is due to the administration of structured teaching programe to mothers of under five children regarding six killer disease