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A Study to Assess the Knowledge on Institutio...

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A Study to Assess the Knowledge on Institutio...

A Study to Assess the Knowledge on Institutional Delivery among Primigravida mothers at Selected Hospital Of puducherry

Author Name : Lakshmipriya Rajavelu, Manjubala Dash, Kavitha Durairaj, Felicia Chitra A



Women are likely to go through pregnancy complications at the time of labour.Institutional delivery gives a safe environment for the mother to avoid any risk of medical complications during labour.


The aim of the study was to assess the knowledge on institutional delivery among primigravida mothers in a selected hospital.


A descriptive survey design with Non probability purposive sampling was used to collect the data from 100 primigravida mothers in RGGW&CH, Puducherry.Data was collected using a structured interview schedule. The results were described by using descriptive and inferential statistics in the study.


The results showed that 39.53% of mothers had adequate knowledge and 82% of the mothers had inadequate knowledge regarding the importance of institutional delivery.There was no association between knowledge scores and selected demographic variables except educational status and place of residence among the mothers.


The primigravida mothers had an inadequate knowledge regarding the importance of institutional delivery. Further,the study suggested that self-institutional module would be very effective in improving the knowledge of mothers regarding institutional delivery.

Key words: Institutional delivery; Knowledge; Primigravida mother