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“A Trust-Based PEGASIS Routing Protocol for...

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“A Trust-Based PEGASIS Routing Protocol for...

“A Trust-Based PEGASIS Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Network with ANN: A Review”

Author Name : Shivangi Nandini, Pallavee Jaiswal

ABSTRACT Sensors are connected to a wireless sensor network. Sensors have a finite amount of energy attached to them. Congestion develops as the number of packets transmitted across the network grows. Energy is wasted due to congestion. Due to the entire loss of energy, sensors are no longer able to retain packets, which causes the packet drop ratio to rise. In order to lessen congestion and extend the life of the network, protocols are developed. This literature focuses on researching protocols like LEACH and PEGASIS and comparing them so that the best protocol may be chosen for improvement and utilized in the future to lengthen lifetime and reduce the packet loss ratio. A wireless sensor network is made up of a few different types of nodes that are scattered across an area for data gathering, assembling, and forwarding. During the data transmission phase, the sensor node's energy steadily depletes. To extend the life of nodes, routing techniques are used.