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ISSN: 2455-6211

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Adoption of Mechanical Methods in Integrated ...

Adoption of Mechanical Methods in Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Technologies among Trained and Untrained Paddy Farmers in Kollidam Block of Nagapattinam District

Author Name : M. Natarajan, V. Balamurugan

ABSTRACT The concept of integrated pest management has its origins nearly three decades back, the close of pesticides has not declined appreciably. The essence of the integrated pest management concept is mechanical in the harmonious integration of compatible multiple methods, used singly or in combination against pests including insects, pathogens and weeds. It ensures economic benefits to the farmers and the society at large. The use of economic injury level (EHL) and population have been the main criteria of integrated pest management. In the Nagapattinam district, the Central Integrated Pest Management Centre has organized training on integrated pest management only in three blocks namely, nagapattinam, sirumarugal and kollidam. Of the three blocks, Kollidam block was selected by simple random sampling. The list of villages of Kollidam block, where training was offered by the central integrated pest management center was considered for the selection of the trained farmers. From that list, four villages, namely arsur, mudhalaimedu, mathiravelur and perampur were selected by simple random sampling. The remaining thirty-three villages of Kollidam block where no training was given by the central integrated pest management center on integrated pest management were considered for the selection of untrained farmers. Of the thirty-three villages, four villages, namely, kunnam, thillainathan, uppangadu and velangudi were selected by simple random sampling. This paper concluded that majority of untrained paddy farmers possessed low level of adoption, compared to the trained paddy farmers. Extension programmes that inform farmers on scientific basis of integrated pest management practices may be developed. The majority of the trained paddy farmers had adopted to a medium level. Hence, short-term training courses exclusively on light traps and pheromone tarps