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An analysis on the New Education Policy 2020

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An analysis on the New Education Policy 2020

An analysis on the New Education Policy 2020

Author Name : Dr. Nirmali Doley


The new education policy is definitely a landmark on the changes a government is trying to enact in becoming a futuristic nation and be in competition to the developed countries. It is a good process to appreciate a stress free, holistic and versatile system that would remodel our country to a spirited information community. It is definite that the new policy would not just change the fate of the coming generation but would also play an important role in developing the nation as education leads to economic and social growth of a country. Our new policy has been recommended by DR. Kasturirangan, a former chairman of the Indian Space Research Organization. This paper explains the various key features of the policy, the stages it would have while implementing the policy at schools, its advantages and of course the various drawbacks. Though the policy tries to balance the rooted and pride of the country with the advance technologies, there are yet various milestones that the government has to consider to make it a full-proof plan.

Keywords- New Education Policy, Indian Education System, higher education, literacy rate, Modi government