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‘’An Ayurveda Review on Aushadha Seven Ka...

‘’An Ayurveda Review on Aushadha Seven Kaal and Its Utility’’

Author Name : Dr Pratibha Prakash Kharat.

ABSTRACT Kala is unique and specific causative factor of all type of effects, at the same time, it is unavoidable. It is described as Anayathasiddha Nimitta Karana, means no action is possible without the causative association of Kala. That is why, Ayurveda being science of life, gives emphasis on the concept of Kala. Though, Kala has relationship with all the effects, to prove it practically in the clinical aspect, the problem was undertaken. The Bhesaja and Kala relation is explored in various shades by the ancient Acaryas. Bhaisajya Kala exemplifies the applicability of concept of Kala in the management of diseases. Acarya Vagbhata has stated that Kalo Bhaisajya Yoga Krt (A. S. Su. 1/45), which means Kala fulfills the aim of administration of Bhesaja.