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An Effective Way of Predicting Heart Disease ...

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An Effective Way of Predicting Heart Disease ...

An Effective Way of Predicting Heart Disease Using A Hybrid Machine Learning Technique

Author Name : Prof. Rajshekar Gaithond, Farheen Sultana

 One of the main causes of death on the planet today is heart failure. Predicting cardiac failure is a key challenge in the field of clinical data analysis. Computer literacy (ML) is very useful for making judgments and forecasting massive amounts of data provided by a healthcare facility. ML technology has been used in numerous Internet of Things (IoT) sites lately. A lot of research uses ML methods to predict heart failure and give captions. We used a unique strategy in this paper that sought to use machine learning approaches to uncover key features that resulted in better prediction of heart failure. The identification technique is presented using a variety of character combinations and several well-known classifications.

Keywords: heart attack, ANN, DT, LR, SVM, etc.