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An Efficient 5G Wireless Network Downlink Tra...

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An Efficient 5G Wireless Network Downlink Tra...

An Efficient 5G Wireless Network Downlink Transmission Scheme

Author Name : Umair Yousuf, Prof. Abdul Haq N


Cell-edge user performance in cellular networks can be improved by using frequency quadrature amplitude modulation (FQAM). Quadrature-amplitude modulation (QAM) is combined with frequency shift keying (FSK). A significantly more efficient FQAM-based downlink transmission technique for future 5G systems has been devised by our team. A cell-center client with lesser transmission power will be served by the dormant subcarriers in each FQAM symbol in the proposed design. To achieve a non-Gaussian interference distribution near the cell edge, power levels on both active and idle subcarriers must be carefully managed. A large boost in throughput is achieved while maintaining non-Gaussian distribution thanks to second user's utilisation of underutilised carriers. Our findings reveal that the suggested approach maintains the cell-edge user's performance while increasing total throughput by 130 to 140 percent when compared to traditional transmission strategies.

Index terms: Downlink transmission, multiple access, frequency quadrature amplitude modulation.