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An Integrated Approach to Vatarakta (Gout): A...

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An Integrated Approach to Vatarakta (Gout): A...

An Integrated Approach to Vatarakta (Gout): A Case Study

Author Name : Dr Rahul M. Kalore, Dr Jayshree Katole, Dr Ashish Keche, Dr Vikramsingh Chavhan

ABSTRACT Vatarakta is the disease of raktavaha strotas and is madhyam-marga gatavyadhi. The etiological factors responsible for gouty arthritis, pathology and clinical features are quite similar to vatarakta. Hence Vatarakta can be co-related to Gout. Vatarakta Is described as an independent disease as vatashonita in Charak Samhita, Vagbhata and other Samhitas. The present study is a case report on management of a male patient 50 yr's old with Severe Pain and Redness at First MTP Joint Since 1 month, Fever Since 4-5 days, Tenderness over the Same Joint Since 15 days, Mild Ankle Joint Pain. Ayurvedic medications along with modern medicines were found to be effective in this case.