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Analysis and Applications of Risk Management ...

Analysis and Applications of Risk Management in Cloud computing

Author Name : Laxmi Devi

Cloud computing offers its customer‘s reliable service at flexible prices that do not break the bank. However, as good and innovative as cloud computing may be, it does not necessarily mean that cloud computing is good for all businesses. By researching the cloud computing services available, I will explore the benefits, as well as the drawbacks of cloud computing within the business realm. First of all I will give an introduction to cloud computing. Secondly I will try to define the value preposition. Furthermore I will describe the web services which are delivered by cloud computing. Moreover I will describe the deployment models and about managing the cloud. I will also describe a scenario of migrating to cloud for a small business company. Finally, looking to the future of cloud computing, I will comment on the role that cloud computing can play in businesses in the future.
Keywords: Cloud computing, Service, Cloud Management, Value preposition, Deployment models, Service consumer, Cloud provider, Service developer, Cloud migration.