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Analysis of Electricity Transmission Congesti...

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Analysis of Electricity Transmission Congesti...

Analysis of Electricity Transmission Congestion Management in India With Reference to IEX

Author Name : Rohit Verma

ABSTRACT To solve congestion problem and to maintain the system within security limit is a challenge for the independent system operator (ISO). Due to the behavior of players looking for the cheapest electricity, no matter where it is located, large and difficult to predict unscheduled power flows often appear in the interconnected network. Consequently, it comes as no surprise that international interconnections very often become congested, meaning that the transmission system cannot be operated securely under the requested pattern of generation and demand. Congestion can be mitigated by rescheduling the generators, and simultaneously curtailing the electrical load. The various Capacity Allocation methods for congestion management, such as Pro-Rata rationing, Priority Based Rules, Transfer Capacity Based Auctioning (Explicit Auction, Implicit Auction), Market Splitting and Market Coupling are used. The increased number of hours in which market splitting was observed since the inception of the power exchanges in 2008, clearly indicates the need for investment in the transmission infrastructure. Market Splitting is a better method for congestion management. In India the total volume of electricity that could not be cleared due to congestion was 3143 MU which accounted for about 10% of Unconstrained cleared volume of both the power exchanges. A declining trend in congestion has been observed after the integration of grid.