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Analyzing Two Different Fluids in Hydraulic R...

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Analyzing Two Different Fluids in Hydraulic R...

Analyzing Two Different Fluids in Hydraulic Retarder

Author Name : Timur Choban Khidir, Abbas Mohammed Ismael, Ali Hasan Abdulla

ABSTRACT:   The three-dimensional geometric model of hydraulic retarder is built based on an enterprise production as reference prototype by SOLIDWORKS with the three-dimensional entity model of the hydraulic retarder. The internal flow in the retarder use two type of fluids first gear oil and the second is intercooler bio-green, we will analyze two types of fluid so that getting best one to use in retarder which has blade angle 43 degree. The simulation results show that there were some problems such as vast vortexes and wall flow separations which added braking torque losses. In order to improve the braking simulation using different fluids and get the best optimization scheme. We also selected the material of retarder blade as (Steel, normalized at 870 ° C) and analyzed it.