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Anemia and Chronic Kidney Disease

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Anemia and Chronic Kidney Disease

Anemia and Chronic Kidney Disease

Author Name : Gaurav Rajauria, Dr. Jay B. Patel, Dr. Rajveersingh


The NKF define anemia in CKD as an Hb level <13.5g/dl in men and 12.0 g/dl in women. This observational study indicates that low Hb levels in such patients may risk for progression of kidney disease and cardiovascular morbidity and mortality.(n=81) observation done on hemoglobin level; in which 14.81% suffers with mild anemia, 29.62% suffers with moderate anemia and 55.54% suffers with severe anemia with both gender male and female. It was concluded that Anemia is common contributes to both poor quality of life and increased risk for adverse outcomes including death in progression of kidney disease.