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Antibiotics Protocol for Cesarean Section - A...

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Antibiotics Protocol for Cesarean Section - A...

Antibiotics Protocol for Cesarean Section - A Robust Change

Author Name : Dr Mohini Abreo, Dr Mridula Madhavan, Dr Rita Zacharias, Dr Srilata, Dr Huda Mohammad, Dr Kaukab



The aim of the present initiative was to revise the usage and doses of antimicrobials in women undergoing caesarean section at Sohar hospital to prevent wound infections and postoperative endometritis.

The initiative was infection prevention control and using quality improvement methods /tools to improve care outcomes.

Approach and method

A new antibiotic protocol in cesarean section protocol was introduced in accordance to patient risk factors for infection and approved by Quality department for all patients undergoing cesarean section.An audit was conducted in 50 women during the period of November 2020tiljuly 2021 who had cesarean sections.The patients data was extracted from Alshifa system of Sohar hospital and entered in SPSS version 17 and analysed.

Results The infection rates post cesarean for cesareans done in Sohar  dropped to 2 % from 10% after implementation of the protocol

Conclusion An antibiotics regime tailored to risk factors of each individual cesarean section is the key to prevent post cesarean infections which in turn markedly reduces the maternal morbidity and also the cost burden on the institution along with prevention of emergence of multidrug resistant organisms.