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Application of Quality Function Deployment Framework in an Engineering Education Institution

Author Name : Chethan Emmanuel Peter, Emmanuel George, Harinarayan T, Roshan Sunil Kurian and Dr. Pradeepmon TG

Abstract:  An engineer applies his technical knowledge in order to design and analyse different stages of product development and to the well-being of the society. The education provided to an engineer plays a key role in his knowledge level and attitude. The main aim of an educational institution should be to develop human resource which can drive the technology based infrastructure, green economy and an eco-friendly environment in the society. Due to rapid change in the technology, there exists a high demand for highly skilled workforce. Even though India has the largest youth population than any other country in the world, it lacks the number of highly skilled workforce when compared with other countries. The adaptation of liberalization, privatization, and globalization led to increase in the number of ill-equipped engineering education institutions in India [1]. Therefore, there is a greater need to improve the quality in engineering educational institutions in order to produce highly skilled workforce who can respond to any challenges in the global scenario. The educational institutions must provide quality education and create greater satisfaction among their stakeholders. It is important to recognise the stakeholders and their requirements. Quality Function Deployment (QFD), a customer driven tool for implementing Total Quality Management (TQM) helps to accomplish this task. QFD starts with capturing the voice of the customers (VOC) and ends with providing a path for delivering customer satisfaction. This paper provides an overview of the application of QFD to enhance quality in engineering educational institutions.