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Bike Sharing Count Prediction using Machine L...

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Bike Sharing Count Prediction using Machine L...

Bike Sharing Count Prediction using Machine Learning

Author Name : Vedant Fitter , Chauhan Sairaj , Urmil Ghatalia , Harshil Kanti Patel, Apurva Banka , Ashutosh Sharan , Sujith Battu

ABSTRACT Bike rental systems represent the latest trend in the market, supplanting traditional bike rental methods. These innovative systems streamline the bike rental process, enabling customers to effortlessly rent a bike within seconds, simplifying both pick-up and drop-off services. Notably, bike-sharing systems prove highly advantageous by precisely recording travel duration, as well as the starting and ending locations. This level of accuracy surpasses that of other transportation services, achieved through the implementation of a virtual sensor network capable of tracking vehicle locations throughout the city.