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Awareness about HIV/AIDS among youth in slum ...

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Awareness about HIV/AIDS among youth in slum ...

Awareness about HIV/AIDS among youth in slum area: A sociological study

Author Name : Ms. Mithlesh

The AIDS pandemic, in its fourth decade, has exhibited its impact both on science, as well as on society. Today, it is both a medical problem as well as a societal issue.It emerged as the most devastating epidemic.In 2009, the World Health Organization (W.H.O) estimated that there are 33.4 million people worldwide living with HIV/AIDS, with 2.7 million new HIV infection per year and 2.0 million annual deaths due to AIDS. This present study will analysis about the Awareness about HIV/AIDS Among youth living in slum area of Daya Basti of North- West Delhi. Daya Basti because of it is considered as biggest slum area, therefore we had selected this area purposively. Daya Basti in the Capital among the worst affected area. ‘With squatters taking over nearly 150 acres (60 hectares) of unused prime land in the Capital as many as 52 slums clusters have come up on the usurped railway land and house nearly 47000 dwelling the study. There was 77 respondents chosen by random lottery method.An Interview Schedule had been also prepared both in structured and semi structured in nature for getting minute information from the respondents.On the basis of awareness about the HIV/AIDS data shows that the majority of the respondents (71.74 percent) are aware about HIV/AIDS and 15.58 percent respondents have not any information regarding it and only 12.98 percent have no idea about HIV/AIDS.So, it becomes especially important to create awareness especially among the migrant population because these persons are found most vulnerable for the infection of HIV/AIDS.