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Awareness of Drug Addiction among Law Student...

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Awareness of Drug Addiction among Law Student...

Awareness of Drug Addiction among Law Students in Himachal Pradesh

Author Name : Aekta Dogra , Dr. Jitendra Kumar Tiwari , Dr. O. P. Bhardwaj

ABSTRACT The present study was undertaken to find out the difference in drug addiction awareness among law students of H.P. in relation to their gender, area and type (Government and Private Institute). The sample for study was selected on the basis of random sampling. A sample of 50 law students was taken from 4 law colleges of Himachal Pradesh. The data was collected by using drug abuse awareness test developed by researcher itself. The investigator found that there is no significant difference in drug abuse awareness among law college students in relation to area and type of college. This study also found that there is a significant difference in drug abuse awareness among boys and girls students.