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Awareness of Financial Literacy among Working...

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Awareness of Financial Literacy among Working...

Awareness of Financial Literacy among Working Women in Indore City- A Study

Author Name : Dr. Vaishali Sharma, Mr. Chandra Bhooshan Singh, Mr. Amit Kumar Singh

ABSTRACT The study is focused on awareness of financial literacy among working women in Indore city. The reason for this study is to know the financial literacy among working women. India is the home of practically 20% of the total population with ¼th of its population despite everything living beneath poverty line and a pitiful part of this population being monetarily educated. Monetary educated is the capacity of an individual to comprehend the budgetary ideas and having required ability and information to settle on reasonable money related choices and make successful monetary arranging utilizing accessible budgetary assets. Receiving greatest reward by utilizing accessible assets is the fundamental part of budgetary education. It is simply overseeing cash upheld up by dependable choice. Fixed deposit was most appropriate investment in all income groups. Mutual fund was also investment option in all income groups. SIP investment option preferred by income group of ₹ 10,000-20,000 & ₹ 20,000-30,000. LIC investment option was famous in income group of ₹10,000 -20,000. Fixed deposit investment option was preferred by all occupational groups.