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BālahṚdyā Commentary On Kuvalayānanda Ca...

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BālahṚdyā Commentary On Kuvalayānanda Ca...

BālahṚdyā Commentary On Kuvalayānanda Candrikā By SahṚdayatilakam K RāmapiṢāroṬi

Author Name : Dr. V. P. Udaya kumar

This article is intended to introduce the Balahridya (BH) commentary on Candrika Vyakhya on Kuvalayananda of Appayyadikshita by Sahridayatilakam K Ramapisharoti (KRP), till unpublished and  that remains in Manuscritp/Transcript form KRP, otherwise known as Valiya Ramapisharoti, is the author of this commentary. He was a versatile scholar and master in almost all branches of Sanskrit learning especially in Alankarasastra, Nyayasastra and Vyakarana. He has done sincere efforts for propagating the Sanskrit language and allied Sastras.  He has wrote exhaustive commentaries on almost all authentic works in Sanskrit especially in Alankarasastra, Vyakarana and Nyaya.