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ISSN: 2455-6211

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Big Data Dynamic Ownership Management with Se...

Big Data Dynamic Ownership Management with Secure Data Deduplication in Cloud Storage

Author Name : Ritesh Kumar Singh, Rahul Singh


This research paper, proposed a new deduplication technique is used to save space in cloud storage. Proposed technique provide a mechanism to store a single copy data in cloud, this concept increases the network bandwidth, because single copy of data gets uploaded on cloud.

To increase data security proposed system using AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) encryption technique to encrypt data before uploading to cloud. Data auditing is used to audit data which is ensure data ownership in cloud. For deduplication hash code comparison in proposed system introduced a new technique called authentication of multi-level block signature. This technique provides a mechanism which is used to reduce comparison time of hash code in data base.

Keyword: Ownership, Cloud, multi-level block signature, Deduplication