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Buddhist Cultural Heritage of Odisha – Spec...

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Buddhist Cultural Heritage of Odisha – Spec...

Buddhist Cultural Heritage of Odisha – Special Focus on Some Archaeological sites

Author Name : Dr. Chandrani Pal


Odisha has a rich cultural heritage from the past and more than 200 Buddhist  sites scattered across the province. This state is the land of temples, monuments and rich culture .  Buddhism in Odisha flourished from around the 6th century B.C to about 16th century A.D .  It is believed that the latest Buddhist phase ‘Vajrayana' originated from Odisha . Most of the Buddhist stupas, university etc. constructed by Emperor Ashoka . The most popular Buddhist sites is the Diamond Triangle. It consist of Ratnagiri, Udayagiri and Lalitagiri. This complex has major stupas and other structures of Buddhism. It is also believed that Lalitagiri is  associated with lost university of Puspagiri. Here it is an effort that would explore & highlight  the Buddhist heritage of Odisha .

Keywords: Buddhism, Archaeology, Stupa, Mahavihara, Monastery