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Changing Contours of Indian Citizenship Amend...

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Changing Contours of Indian Citizenship Amend...

Changing Contours of Indian Citizenship Amendment Act 2019

Author Name : Dr. Anisa Shaikh

ABSTRACT The Constitution of India is the supreme law of land. Any rule made in contravention of the constitution cannot be accepted as valid law. It's been another tectonic period in India that has seen Parliament passed the controversial Citizenship Bill 2019 that was signed into law by the president, the bill has opened to separate fronts in India in the Northeast. Here Muslim persecuted people are not allowed specifically from three Islamic religious countries. This Amendment is allowing all or any outsider to adopt Indian Citizenship by registration as well as naturalisation. To permit Indian citizenship to all Hindus, Christians, Parsis, Sikhs, Buddhist and Jains who faced persecutions on basis of religion in Afghanistan, Pakistan n and Bangladesh or who migrated India prior to 2014.