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Coin Sorting and Counting Machine Using Ardui...

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Coin Sorting and Counting Machine Using Ardui...

Coin Sorting and Counting Machine Using Arduino

Author Name : Manjiri Patil, Palak Patil, Heenal Patel, Asst. Prof. Sandip Patil


The Coin Sorting and Counting Machine design was created to sort and count all Indian currencies, with the exception of the 1 and 5 Rupee coins. This was done in order to support various institutions who work with significant amounts of coins on a daily basis. Banks, temples, nonprofit organizations, and the transportation industry are a few of these. The sorting component of the system is essentially mechanical because it separates the coins based on their physical size before counting them as they travel past the IR sensor. After conducting some testing with the Coin Sorting and Counting Machine, the team was able to conclude that an almost exact and dependable machine had been constructed, as evidenced by the data it produced. Using an ARDUINO as the primary controller, a prototype for an automatic coin counting and sorting machine is created. In order to display the results, a Crystal Display (LCD) was used, which required the construction of a straightforward display panel to show the total number of each coin and the total amount of coin value. Through the project, this integrated design has demonstrated great performance for coin counting and sorting in terms of use, accuracy, and aesthetics.