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ISSN: 2455-6211

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Comparative Analysis of Asset Classes and Inv...

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Comparative Analysis of Asset Classes and Inv...

Comparative Analysis of Asset Classes and Investor Behaviours Across Diverse Investments

Author Name : Snehal Rajesh Chauhan, CA Prof Seema Korgaonkar

ABSTRACT This research undertakes an extensive analysis of various asset classes, examining factors such as risk, return, suitability, benchmarking agencies, and top-performing companies. It includes a primary survey to investigate investor behaviour across different types of investments. The study aims to evaluate how asset classes like equities, bonds, real estate, and commodities perform based on these metrics and their impact on investor decision-making. Using both quantitative techniques to analyze historical performance and volatility, and qualitative insights from surveys and interviews with investors, the research identifies trends in asset allocation strategies and investor preferences. By examining market conditions, risk perceptions, and economic indicators, the study aims to deepen understanding of investor behaviour. The findings provide strategic insights for optimizing portfolio management across diverse market environments. This research is beneficial for financial advisors, policymakers, and investors navigating financial markets effectively.