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Comparative Results and Analysis of Short Ter...

Comparative Results and Analysis of Short Term Unit Commitment and Generation Scheduling

Author Name : Ajay Kumar Azad, Ms. Alka Thakur

ABSTRACT: In the modern power system systems, there are various generating units e.g. thermal, hydro, nuclear etc. Also, the load demand varies during a day and attains different peak values. Thus, it is required to decide which generating unit to turn on and at what time it is needed in the power system network and also the sequence in which the units must be shut down keeping in mind the cost effectiveness of turning on and shutting down of respective units. The entire process of computing and making these decisions is known as unit commitment (UC). The unit which is decided or scheduled to be connected to the power system network, as and when required, is known to be committed unit. Unit commitment in power systems refers to the problem of determining the on/off states of generating units that minimize the operating cost for a given time horizon. Economic dispatch is the short-term determination of the optimal output of a number of electricity generation facilities, to meet the system load, at the lowest possible cost, subject to transmission and operational constraints.