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Comparative Study between Conventional Suturi...

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Comparative Study between Conventional Suturi...

Comparative Study between Conventional Suturing Versus Cyanoacrylate Glue in Management of Clean Wounds

Author Name : Dr. Jawane Saylee Baliram, Dr. Srinivas Arava, Dr. Prabhakara G.N, Dr. Kiran Kumar K, Dr. Shivakumar P, Dr. Satish Babu


Introduction: The purpose of this study was to compare the time required to apply adhesive skin glue with traditional suturing, as well as the post-operative discomfort, cosmetic appearance, and complications of adhesive skin glue versus conventional suturing.

Material and Methods: A total of 82 pregnant women who were admitted to the Department of General Surgery, Sri Siddhartha Medical College, Tumakuru, were enrolled to participate in the study. Our inclusion criteria were patients with age group from 18-60 years and who have clean surgical wounds. The wound is subjected to suturing or cyanoacrylate glue approximation and both will be assessed at3rd,5th,7thpost operative day using standard wound asepsis scoring system. ModifiedHollander cosmesis scale will be used for cosmesis on 7th day and follow up will bedone on 1st and 3rd month.

Results: In the present study it is observed that time of closure and Modified Holanderscore is high for suture group than skin glue group.There was no significant difference in the incision length and asepsis score between the groups.

Conclusion:The findings of this study suggest that skin closure or wound closure with 2-octylcyanoacrylate adhesive glue is superior than skin closure with conventional suturing. The idea of using a surgical tissue adhesive instead of sutures for superficial skin closure is appealing.

KEYWORDS: Conventional Suturing, Cyanoacrylate Glue, Clean Wounds, Skin Closure.